Taking the time to sit in silence, even for a few minutes, is a great way to clear your mind.
ASB Virginia 2011
It's now been over a month since my last post, and I realize that I have been slacking heavily, so first of all sorry about that. A lot has happened in the past month, so I'm gonna start with this post and maybe do a couple more today too, we'll see.
Spring Break has come and gone this semester, and I don't know if I've ever enjoyed one as much as this year's. I made the decision to go on an Alternative Spring Break back in the middle of Fall semester, and didn't really think much about it after that, to be honest. When I found out that not only was I placed on an environmental-themed trip like I wanted to be, but also that a good friend of mine would be going on the same trip, I knew it was a great decision.
We left for Virginia at 5 A.M. on Sunday, March 6th with two minivans, 11 people, sunglasses on (ok, that was just me) and high hopes. We still really didn't know what we were going to be doing other than that we were headed to James River State Park to help them build a "natural playground" (none of us really knew what that meant), but we were all excited to find out. On the 13 hour car ride we got to know each other a little (and mostly slept), but once we got to our destination is when the real fun began. We got to our cabins, which were brand new and extremely nice, around 9 P.M. and unpacked. We then realized that none of us had eaten dinner since we planned on going grocery shopping once we got there. However, the nearest grocery store was about 45 minutes away! We finally ate at about midnight and went to sleep, ready to find out what was in store for us the rest of the week.
To sum up what we did without going over every detail of every day, our main task at the park was to dig out and build a walking trail that would go around the natural playground. With 3 days of hard work under our belts, we were poised to finish the trail on Thursday, however an unfortunate rainfall prevented us from working that day. The day was not lost though; we went to Appomattox Court House (see picture) in the morning and after a wonderful lunch cooked by the James River State Park staff (thank you Mama Jo!), we toured the National D-Day Memorial in the afternoon. I didn't expect to do that much sight-seeing on the trip, and it was a bittersweet surprise considering we couldn't finish the trail. We packed up Friday morning and headed out, none of us wanting to leave the serenity of the beautiful park we had called home for the week.
The most amazing part of the trip was the people who were on it with me. I have never felt more comfortable in a group of strangers in my life. Upon arriving at the cabins, it seemed like somehow we were all on the same page for everything. Jokes were carried out until they had died, came back as ghosts, and died again. I don't know if it's possible to laugh for a week straight, but I came pretty damn close. The friends I made in the Middle of Nowhere, Virginia are what I'll value most about this trip, and it was an experience I'll remember forever.
To Bobby, Joey, Derek, Spencer, Chelsea, Jamie, Kate, Katie, and Abby; thank you for making this trip to fun, and I hope to see you all soon!
To anyone else who is reading this; go on an Alternative Spring Break next year!
It's now been over a month since my last post, and I realize that I have been slacking heavily, so first of all sorry about that. A lot has happened in the past month, so I'm gonna start with this post and maybe do a couple more today too, we'll see.
Spring Break has come and gone this semester, and I don't know if I've ever enjoyed one as much as this year's. I made the decision to go on an Alternative Spring Break back in the middle of Fall semester, and didn't really think much about it after that, to be honest. When I found out that not only was I placed on an environmental-themed trip like I wanted to be, but also that a good friend of mine would be going on the same trip, I knew it was a great decision.

To sum up what we did without going over every detail of every day, our main task at the park was to dig out and build a walking trail that would go around the natural playground. With 3 days of hard work under our belts, we were poised to finish the trail on Thursday, however an unfortunate rainfall prevented us from working that day. The day was not lost though; we went to Appomattox Court House (see picture) in the morning and after a wonderful lunch cooked by the James River State Park staff (thank you Mama Jo!), we toured the National D-Day Memorial in the afternoon. I didn't expect to do that much sight-seeing on the trip, and it was a bittersweet surprise considering we couldn't finish the trail. We packed up Friday morning and headed out, none of us wanting to leave the serenity of the beautiful park we had called home for the week.
The most amazing part of the trip was the people who were on it with me. I have never felt more comfortable in a group of strangers in my life. Upon arriving at the cabins, it seemed like somehow we were all on the same page for everything. Jokes were carried out until they had died, came back as ghosts, and died again. I don't know if it's possible to laugh for a week straight, but I came pretty damn close. The friends I made in the Middle of Nowhere, Virginia are what I'll value most about this trip, and it was an experience I'll remember forever.
To Bobby, Joey, Derek, Spencer, Chelsea, Jamie, Kate, Katie, and Abby; thank you for making this trip to fun, and I hope to see you all soon!
To anyone else who is reading this; go on an Alternative Spring Break next year!
Oh Captain, My Captain!
For some reason, over the past few days I have found the movie Dead Poets Society creeping in to my mind every now and then. So, when my class got out an hour early today, I decided to use my free time to watch it again. (I know, studying would have been more productive, but choices were made.)
I don't think I've seen this movie since I was in grade school when we watched it in English class, but I remember it a lot differently. From what I remembered, it was a somewhat funny movie with a dramatic ending (which I couldn't remember for the life of me until about 5 minutes before it happened) that was about these kids who liked poetry. I remember thinking it was a ploy from our teacher to get our class more in to the poetry that we were studying. Naturally, it didn't work, and we continued to goof around during class as usual (those were the days).
However, after watching it now, I realized the true message of the movie isn't about poetry at all. It's about finding out who you truly are, whether through poetry or something else that you enjoy, and following it. In my time here at Michigan State, this seems to be the thing I am always striving for; figuring out who I am. As the movie so adequately points out, this isn't something that can be found through other people. We have to fight through conformity to find our passions, and once found, live them to the fullest.
It's funny how different something can seem after a few years have passed. While watching the movie, I felt like I had never seen it before, which may be attributed to the fact that it's been about 7 or 8 years since I watched it, or that I wasn't really paying attention in class when we did. Either way, it was a refreshing movie with a great insight on life.
To end this post, I'll leave you with the most famous quote from the movie:
I don't think I've seen this movie since I was in grade school when we watched it in English class, but I remember it a lot differently. From what I remembered, it was a somewhat funny movie with a dramatic ending (which I couldn't remember for the life of me until about 5 minutes before it happened) that was about these kids who liked poetry. I remember thinking it was a ploy from our teacher to get our class more in to the poetry that we were studying. Naturally, it didn't work, and we continued to goof around during class as usual (those were the days).
However, after watching it now, I realized the true message of the movie isn't about poetry at all. It's about finding out who you truly are, whether through poetry or something else that you enjoy, and following it. In my time here at Michigan State, this seems to be the thing I am always striving for; figuring out who I am. As the movie so adequately points out, this isn't something that can be found through other people. We have to fight through conformity to find our passions, and once found, live them to the fullest.
It's funny how different something can seem after a few years have passed. While watching the movie, I felt like I had never seen it before, which may be attributed to the fact that it's been about 7 or 8 years since I watched it, or that I wasn't really paying attention in class when we did. Either way, it was a refreshing movie with a great insight on life.
To end this post, I'll leave you with the most famous quote from the movie:
"Carpe diem. Seize the day boys. Make your lives extraordinary"
- John Keating (Robin Williams), Dead Poets Society
Puppy Bowl VII
I know today is Super Bowl Sunday, but if you didn't know already, the most exciting action starts 3 hours before coverage does on Animal Planet. It's the Puppy Bowl! I'm currently watching it and can't tear my eyes away... these puppies are just so cute! Here's a few pictures in case you're missing it, but it's on till 5 so tune in if you read this in time!
Life Currently
So recently, there has been a lot on my mind. New semester. New major. (Kinda) New job. And everything is kind of blurring together. However, the one thing that has stayed consistent is the thing that I don't want to. The lack of a significant other.
Now, before you roll your eyes, this is not a pity party blog post about how I don't have a girlfriend and nobody likes me. For now, I'm pretty content being single. That doesn't mean I'm not looking, it just means I'm not about to desperately fall in love with the next girl that gives me attention.
However, one of the main reasons that this is such a prevalent issue in my life is because of my environment. I go to Michigan State, one of the largest concentrations of beautiful women my age that could potentially be my future. And not only that, but in my smaller circle of good friends, relationships are a constant topic of conversation. Whether it's just about a new girl that a friend has a grade-school crush on, or a girl that just broke a friend's heart, we always seem to discuss "the girl situation" with each other at some point or another during the week. It's just an unavoidable topic.
Which kind of leads me to the point of this post. Here we are, in college, having some of the best times of our life, and yet we continuously come back to this aspect of our lives that really just ends up being the focal point of a lot of stress. I've tried many times (usually at the beginning of a new semester) to have the mindset of "let's just have fun this semester, do well in school, and not worry about girls at all," but it never seems to work. It's as if there's some driving force that comes alive any time there is a hint of attraction. Some sort of excitement, that maybe this girl is "the one," for lack of a better term.
But why am I trying to find her? As illustrated so perfectly by one of my favorite chick flicks of all time, (500) Days of Summer, when the right girl comes along, I'll know, and so will she. Up until then, it's all a series of events that lead up to the point that you finally meet. But what's the rush? As proven by previous relationships, crushes, and fleeting attractions, finding that right person isn't something that you're going to have to fight so hard for that you're pulling your own hair out. When it happens it happens, and until then we should enjoy what we're doing, focus on attainable goals that we have set, and just have fun.
That sounds so much easier when I write it out.
I guess this is why I like movies like (500) Days of Summer and shows like How I Met Your Mother. As fictional as they might be, they give hope that what I'm doing right now is just something that everyone does, and they bring to light the fact that until that right girl comes along, I should be having fun in life, not stressing about the small stuff, and in the words of the great Jimmy Mac, "Live it up."
That's all for tonight. I promise I usually won't be so deep with my posts, but I warned you in the first post, this blog is going to be about whatever's going through my mind at the time, and that's just what happens to be going on in my life right now.
Now, before you roll your eyes, this is not a pity party blog post about how I don't have a girlfriend and nobody likes me. For now, I'm pretty content being single. That doesn't mean I'm not looking, it just means I'm not about to desperately fall in love with the next girl that gives me attention.
However, one of the main reasons that this is such a prevalent issue in my life is because of my environment. I go to Michigan State, one of the largest concentrations of beautiful women my age that could potentially be my future. And not only that, but in my smaller circle of good friends, relationships are a constant topic of conversation. Whether it's just about a new girl that a friend has a grade-school crush on, or a girl that just broke a friend's heart, we always seem to discuss "the girl situation" with each other at some point or another during the week. It's just an unavoidable topic.

But why am I trying to find her? As illustrated so perfectly by one of my favorite chick flicks of all time, (500) Days of Summer, when the right girl comes along, I'll know, and so will she. Up until then, it's all a series of events that lead up to the point that you finally meet. But what's the rush? As proven by previous relationships, crushes, and fleeting attractions, finding that right person isn't something that you're going to have to fight so hard for that you're pulling your own hair out. When it happens it happens, and until then we should enjoy what we're doing, focus on attainable goals that we have set, and just have fun.
That sounds so much easier when I write it out.
I guess this is why I like movies like (500) Days of Summer and shows like How I Met Your Mother. As fictional as they might be, they give hope that what I'm doing right now is just something that everyone does, and they bring to light the fact that until that right girl comes along, I should be having fun in life, not stressing about the small stuff, and in the words of the great Jimmy Mac, "Live it up."
That's all for tonight. I promise I usually won't be so deep with my posts, but I warned you in the first post, this blog is going to be about whatever's going through my mind at the time, and that's just what happens to be going on in my life right now.
Music Mashups
First of all, I want to welcome myself to the blogging world since this is after all, my first post EVER! I know, enthralling stuff, right?
Anyway, now that you have that wonderful background, back to the subject at hand. Mashups are something that I've very lightly explored in the past, however, thanks to a recent tweet, I was just put up on some new artists/mixtapes to really round out my collection. My first mashup experience came from the recommendation of a friend in the form of Girl Talk, one of the most renowned mashup artists out there. After listening to the only mixtape that I had so many times that I was confused when the real versions of the songs came on, I realized that I should probably expand my horizons in this interesting "genre" (if you want to call it that).
Which led me to my recent tweet, which went as follows: Question for anyone who likes mashup mixtapes... Do you like @therealgirltalk or @milkmanmusic? Is one better than the other? Thoughts?

I only got responses from 2 of my followers, but then again I only have 80, and I can't expect every one of them to be well versed on mashup artists. However, I got some pretty solid info back. The first response that I got (from @AdamDrews) was that while both of those artists are good, the group Super Mash Bros. "takes the cake for (him)." I realized that I had heard of them in the past somewhere, but didn't have anything on my computer at the moment to check out. Thanks to the power of the internet though, within minutes I had downloaded both of their mixtapes and am currently listening to them. They put together some pretty quality songs that I am thoroughly enjoying.
The next suggestion came from @joeguesso. According to Joe (or is it Jim? Sorry, bad joke, but it's late and I find it funny), the best mashups come from Norwegian Recycling. Now, I'm going to include another disclaimer here, because I originally heard about him from an ex-girlfriend and didn't really like him that much at first. But, I will admit, after going back and listening to some songs he's actually pretty good, but he hasn't put anything out recently. Joe then went on to talk about e-603, a guy that I've never heard of before. I haven't gotten anything downloaded yet from him, but from the music on his myspace (apparently people still use that) I'm pretty impressed.
You're still here? Good. Anyway, I'm still not completely sure what this blog will end up being about. (See what I mean^)? Really though, in making this blog I wanted to give you an insight to the life of a pretty average college student. Most of what I'm interested in comes (conveniently) from the people I hang out with and/or other people my age who just happen to share the same weird way of thinking that I do.
So, lucky for you, right now on this wonderful Sunday night (that MSU just barely squeaked by Indiana in another OT thriller! :D), I am immersing myself in the world of musical mashups.
Music, in general, is usually the first thing to come to mind when asked what my passions are. Music has always been a huge part of my life, and I don't think I could have it any other way. I go through many different phases, genre-wise, so don't be freaked out if I post something about a fresh new Hip-Hop track one day, and a soothing Acoustic Rock track the next day.

My search led me to Milkman, who I originally found out about from my brother, but immediately discredited since it came from him (Side note: He actually has really good taste in music, but due to an ongoing battle to find the newest, freshest music between the two of us, I treat every recommendation with skepticism.). Milkman has some really solid mixtapes out and I ended up playing them just as much as my Girl Talk mixtapes.
Which led me to my recent tweet, which went as follows: Question for anyone who likes mashup mixtapes... Do you like @therealgirltalk or @milkmanmusic? Is one better than the other? Thoughts?

I only got responses from 2 of my followers, but then again I only have 80, and I can't expect every one of them to be well versed on mashup artists. However, I got some pretty solid info back. The first response that I got (from @AdamDrews) was that while both of those artists are good, the group Super Mash Bros. "takes the cake for (him)." I realized that I had heard of them in the past somewhere, but didn't have anything on my computer at the moment to check out. Thanks to the power of the internet though, within minutes I had downloaded both of their mixtapes and am currently listening to them. They put together some pretty quality songs that I am thoroughly enjoying.
The next suggestion came from @joeguesso. According to Joe (or is it Jim? Sorry, bad joke, but it's late and I find it funny), the best mashups come from Norwegian Recycling. Now, I'm going to include another disclaimer here, because I originally heard about him from an ex-girlfriend and didn't really like him that much at first. But, I will admit, after going back and listening to some songs he's actually pretty good, but he hasn't put anything out recently. Joe then went on to talk about e-603, a guy that I've never heard of before. I haven't gotten anything downloaded yet from him, but from the music on his myspace (apparently people still use that) I'm pretty impressed.
I guess in conclusion (before I ramble on any longer) there's a lot out there if you're willing to search for it. Mashup music is a really cool way to listen to different types of music all at the same time, and while prolonged exposure might lead to some genre-confusion going on in your mind, it's a sweet testament to the infinite possibilities of music; Probably the reason for my obsession.
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