You're still here? Good. Anyway, I'm still not completely sure what this blog will end up being about. (See what I mean^)? Really though, in making this blog I wanted to give you an insight to the life of a pretty average college student. Most of what I'm interested in comes (conveniently) from the people I hang out with and/or other people my age who just happen to share the same weird way of thinking that I do.
So, lucky for you, right now on this wonderful Sunday night (that MSU just barely squeaked by Indiana in another OT thriller! :D), I am immersing myself in the world of musical mashups.
Music, in general, is usually the first thing to come to mind when asked what my passions are. Music has always been a huge part of my life, and I don't think I could have it any other way. I go through many different phases, genre-wise, so don't be freaked out if I post something about a fresh new Hip-Hop track one day, and a soothing Acoustic Rock track the next day.

My search led me to Milkman, who I originally found out about from my brother, but immediately discredited since it came from him (Side note: He actually has really good taste in music, but due to an ongoing battle to find the newest, freshest music between the two of us, I treat every recommendation with skepticism.). Milkman has some really solid mixtapes out and I ended up playing them just as much as my Girl Talk mixtapes.
Which led me to my recent tweet, which went as follows: Question for anyone who likes mashup mixtapes... Do you like @therealgirltalk or @milkmanmusic? Is one better than the other? Thoughts?

I only got responses from 2 of my followers, but then again I only have 80, and I can't expect every one of them to be well versed on mashup artists. However, I got some pretty solid info back. The first response that I got (from @AdamDrews) was that while both of those artists are good, the group Super Mash Bros. "takes the cake for (him)." I realized that I had heard of them in the past somewhere, but didn't have anything on my computer at the moment to check out. Thanks to the power of the internet though, within minutes I had downloaded both of their mixtapes and am currently listening to them. They put together some pretty quality songs that I am thoroughly enjoying.
The next suggestion came from @joeguesso. According to Joe (or is it Jim? Sorry, bad joke, but it's late and I find it funny), the best mashups come from Norwegian Recycling. Now, I'm going to include another disclaimer here, because I originally heard about him from an ex-girlfriend and didn't really like him that much at first. But, I will admit, after going back and listening to some songs he's actually pretty good, but he hasn't put anything out recently. Joe then went on to talk about e-603, a guy that I've never heard of before. I haven't gotten anything downloaded yet from him, but from the music on his myspace (apparently people still use that) I'm pretty impressed.
I guess in conclusion (before I ramble on any longer) there's a lot out there if you're willing to search for it. Mashup music is a really cool way to listen to different types of music all at the same time, and while prolonged exposure might lead to some genre-confusion going on in your mind, it's a sweet testament to the infinite possibilities of music; Probably the reason for my obsession.